November was definitely a slower month for me personally. It was covered up in getting all of my clients taken care of for the end of the year, so I don’t have a ton of time to myself in any given November.

We put up a new Christmas tree, my Thanksgiving cactus bloomed, and I enjoyed the last of the moms from my flower grower friends.

I even did some macros with the table top and LED panel of those moms before they croaked. I really love the textures of these.

We had a very early hard freeze this year and so I had fun outside taking pictures of frost flowers.

Our Thanksgiving was pretty small and slow, just the way we like it. We spent it with the cats and the door frogs and some crazy socks and a very nice turkey dinner.

We also went on a short day trip to Helen Georgia where we enjoyed the touristy sites and bought a couch quilt.
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