Paizley’s Mother writes “Hi, I would like to nominate my daughter Paizley Ward. She was born November 7, 2013. I never knew anything was wrong. When I gave birth she coded 3 times. Being gone for 5 mins one time and had a cleft palate. Her lungs collapsed shortly after and they put her on a cooling pad to stop any damage that could of happened. I can’t even begin to tell you everything that went wrong. She stayed in the nicu for 28 days. Was diagnosed with PRS (Pierre Robin syndrome). Has had a feeding tube her whole life. She has hearing loss as well. Been thru 4 surgeries and so many therapies and still not known how many more. I knew there was something else wrong I just didn’t know what I was facing when she was younger. She doesn’t talk and hasn’t been developing like a normal child. I decided to take her back to genetics and she was diagnosed with Cornelia de Lange syndrome as well. She will be 3 soon and weighs a whole 21 lbs. Never knew one person so tiny could change the way you look at the world. Such a blessing I was gifted and she deserves the world. We also found out the back of her brain isn’t working like a child’s her age. Thanks for your time for reading our story. I still hope we have a long one to tell but we none know what our futures hold.”
Heather says “This little girl has every one of her therapists wrapped around her fingers, and it’s easy to see why. She’s got the most infectious little giggle that you’ve ever heard, and she’s so tiny that she looks like a little doll until she starts moving. An utter joy to watch!”

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