I’m Heather, a 6-foot redhead with a camera who believes in fairytales.
Years ago, with my Early Childhood Degree under my arm, I became a lead instructor in a classroom with eleven 2-year-olds. It was loud, chaotic, and messy, and I absolutely loved it.
During the day, I often took photos for the parents so they felt more connected with what their kids were doing.
I loved how the photos made the parents feel. They appreciated seeing this tiny little window into their kid’s world…playing, happy and thriving.
Now, I create photos of mamas-to-be, babies, and kids in mythical fairytale settings, and I call it “Fairyography.” These photos are a glimpse into a magical place filled with joy, something I think we all need more of.
Fairyography is about more than dressing up and playing; it’s about capturing the inner magic every human has inside them and celebrating that.
The pretty dresses and fairy wings are the catalysts that help unearth the magic. Plus, they’re just fun. Who doesn’t like swirly and sparkly things?
I keep the sessions fun and interactive. According to my smallest clients, my humor is right on par with theirs. I’m tall, but my jokes are definitely kid-level.
The journey to motherhood is amazing, but many women feel like they lose themselves a little in their pregnancy. These photos will show you a transformative side of your femininity and will show you how beautiful and powerful you are.
Fariography also transforms parents…because no mom wants to be remembered as “the mom who always drove me to school.”
Being remembered as “The mom who let me dress up like a fairy princess for photos and kiss unicorns” is WAY cooler.
In my spare time, I also teach photographers how to do macro photography sponsored by The Sigma Corporation. Being an Ambassador for Sigma has brought teaching back into my life, and I love when things come full circle like that.
My world is big yet tiny, and I love it. I share it with my husband John and a roving band of blind cats in Athens, Georgia.

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