Here I'll be sharing a variety of client stories as well as personal and educational articles. Read on to meet the special needs princesses I see every year, find client information, read about the tips and tricks I use on kids, and check out what gear I love.
Every year, I sit down to do one of my favorite (and hardest!) traditions: picking my top 10 images from all my client work. Narrowing it down to just 10 is no easy task—you’ve all kept me so inspired this year! These images aren’t necessarily the 10 “best” in terms of technique or lighting (though […]
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Baby Emmett was in the studio last week for his newborn photo session. He was a dream baby and did great! His parents helped a lot by being super laid back. See their maternity session here:
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Just recently I did a demonstration on dance photography at imaging USA. I was going to have a studio backdrop demo, but we had to pivot very quickly for a demo in the hallway of the convention center due to the space being too small. My dance model knocked it out of the park and […]
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I recently went up to see my mother in South Carolina for the first time since Covid. My sister, her husband, and my new nephew also came to stay with us while I was there. We had a nice little family reunion. I definitely had to do pictures of the baby while I was there! […]
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My brother’s wife and my sister were both recently pregnant at the same time. My brother’s wife delivered my new niece and my sister delivered my new nephew about a month later. I went all the way to Seattle to do photos for him and help out for a little bit. I took my traveling […]
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Is there any greater honor as a photographer to photograph your own family? I don’t have children, so it’s not like I get to take pictures of my own kids anytime I like. So when I get to photograph family, it’s an even greater event for me. Recently, I photographed my newborn niece in Louisville […]
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When Elizabeth booked her high school senior portraits, she and her mom wanted to make sure that they showed off her love of ballet. We were lucky to get a loaner professional tutu from her dance studio as she is the sugarplum fairy for this year’s Nutcracker production. I completely love how it’s all pink […]
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I teach other photographers how to do ballet photography. Usually, I say dance photography, but I once got asked on Instagram why it’s never any other form of dance besides ballet, and the answer is I don’t know how to teach any other form besides ballet! Ballet is so incredibly technical that once you learn […]
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We are a luxury portrait studio based in Athens, GA specializing in creating unique and vibrant images that capture the best of maternity, newborn, family, senior and Fairyography clients.
Athens, GA 30605