Addison’s Mother writes “Addison was born at 23 weeks gestation. She was the baby that was never meant to make it. She came into the world a fighter with no skin and her eyelids fused together. She breathed on her on for two weeks before she had to be placed on the vent. She over came many infections and obstacles as she lived in the hospital for four months. We had hoped that when we were discharged that Addison’s journey would end and she would no longer struggle. We found that she slept most of the day and led her doctors at Children’s in Augusta on a wild goose chase. When not sleeping she was sick and taking breathing treatments for bronchial pulmonary dysplasia (an issue with preemie lungs due to being so early). We have spent the last two years searching for answers to Addison’s need for excessive sleep and lack of hunger or weight gain. In April I found Addison unresponsive in her bed after she failed to wake for the morning. We found that Addison had blood sugar below 25 and needed immediate medical attention. After being stabilized in Athens we were transferred to Augusta for 2 1/2 weeks to stabilize her health and continue to search answers. We spent 3 days in Icu during this time with our other children staying with us at Ronald McDonald house. We had a ng tube placed to provide nourishment with hopes for growth but have found it to stabilize her blood sugar but no weight gain or growth has occurred. We currently have a two year old child that weighs 18 1/2 lbs and wears 9-12 month clothes. Addison is a happy child that does not allow her obstacles to overcome her. We have completed genetic testing and testing for many syndromes and allergies but they have all come back clear. Her summer has been spent in and out of the hospital. Her doctors call her a miracle and enigma. What does Addison’s future hold? We don’t really know as we do not know the battle we are fighting. We take it one day at a time and pray each moment that we enter her room that she is ok. “Though she be but tiny…she is fierce.”
Heather says “Addison IS fierce! She is also tiny. I swear, she’s the size of a baby. A walking, talking, baby. She’s wonderful though. It’s adorable that she seriously speaks entire complete sentences through that tiny little mouth of hers. Even the smallest dress I own was falling off of her. She’s super funny though, and her laugh and smile will brighten any grey day.”

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