I am a photography educator, so one of the things I do is teach other photographers how to take better pictures. One of my most popular classes is dance photography. It’s fun to watch, it’s dynamic, and the images my students get are amazing. I’ve been told that no one teaches a dance photography class quite like I do. A lot of photographers just toss a model in an area and just say go for it without a lot of direction. For dance photos, the resulting images can be pretty bad because the non-dance-experienced photographer has no idea what’s good or bad dance form.
So my classes always begin with about 30 minutes of dance instruction. What is turnout, how to pay attention to the pointed feet, making sure the arms are carried well, what about the neck tension and shoulder height.. etc. Not only do I want to make sure my models have good images and a fun time, but if you come to a class from me, you’re there to learn something not just stand around and hope you’re getting it right.
These photos all came from two photography classes I ran for about 60 students in the New England area in October.

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