Lexi’s nominator writes “I see that you are looking for a deserving young lady for your memorial photo shoot. I thought I would make you aware of this lovely young lady. She was a patient at my former two places of employment and I continue to follow her journey. Her name is Lexi. She’s 13 and lives with severe cerebral palsy and dystonia caused by kernicterus. When she was a newborn her bilirubin levels rose too high causing brain damage. Now she is wheelchair bound and cannot speak because all of her muscles are clenched so tightly among many other things. But you should see her sense of humor and amazing spirit! She is a huge fan of Harry Potter wizardry and fairies etc. She lives in Charlotte BUT is often in your area since her grandparents live there near Athens. See more of her story on her Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lexi/100673499141“
Heather writes: I built her a little snow queen pavilion! The chair she’s in is a special seat designed to help her sit up securely without falling or tipping over. Under than dress, a very heavy sandbag in her lap helps Lexi stay in the seat when her body decides it’s time to arch backwards, something she cannot control. Her family has noticed that some words will produce a curl, jerking her poor head down as her whole body does an impromptu sit-up for 15 seconds. Just imagine if hearing the word ‘husband’ or ‘Kansas’ forced you into a workout! It broke my heart to see what she deals with every single day, but her smile says it all.
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